Malta’s labour market is running out of slack

February 9, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The Central Bank of Malta publishes a review covering Q3 of 2022

Malta to avoid a recession and deep slowdown in growth, says IMF

February 8, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

GPD set to grow by 3.25% in 2023, and inflation expected to drop to 3.25% by end of year

Forex brokerage firm OANDA announces exit from Malta

February 7, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The company said it is consolidating its operations in the European market in Poland

By mid-2026, employers will have to share pay information with employees and job-seekers

February 6, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

EU Directive on Pay Transparency is set to be approved by the EU Parliament and Council by late-spring 2023

MFSA outlines five strategic pillars for 2023-2025

February 3, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The need for sustainability, innovation and good governance are highlighted in the MFSA's strategic priorities

An introduction to tax planning in Malta

February 3, 2023
by Robert Fenech

A major attraction, for shareholders, is the option to reclaim a portion of the income tax paid at company level

Amidst easing inflation, the European Central Bank raises interest rates further

February 2, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The ECB warned that it will raise interest rates again by 0.5% in March 2023

FIAU issues €228,706 fine on local bank for breaching anti-money laundering rules

February 2, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The bank decided not to appeal the directive, citing that the compliance exam helped it improve

Bank of Valletta becomes third bank to join the New Hope Guarantee Scheme

February 1, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The scheme is for prospective home-owners who due to underlying conditions, cannot access life insurance

Malta receives EU Commission’s preliminary approval for €52.3 million grant

January 31, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The grants fall under the Recovery and Resilience Facility of which €316 million is allocated to Malta

Malta’s minimum wage increases by 5.4% in 2023

January 20, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

Malta's minimum wage is the 12th highest in the European Union

MFSA launches consultation on a new type of investment fund

January 17, 2023
by Robert Fenech

Malta’s investment sector may soon be able to offer a new type of fund

MaltaPost plc seeks to approve a two-for-one stock split at its next AGM

January 17, 2023
by Arnas Lasys

The company's next annual general meeting is taking place on 16th February 2023

Panama Papers-linked Brian Tonna and Karl Cini stripped of right to hold any position in financial services

January 17, 2023
by Robert Fenech

The pair had helped disgraced former Minister Konrad Mizzi and former chief of staff Keith Schembri set up secret companies

Government deficit set to reach just under €1 billion in 2023

January 16, 2023
by Robert Fenech

Around €1.6 billion of new Government debt will be issued to finance the deficit and maturing Malta Government Stock