Maltese investment abroad remains higher than total inward foreign investment

January 10, 2024
by Robert Fenech

The Maltese economy recorded a net international investment position of €14.1 billion in 2022

Occupational pension schemes ‘a vital tool in employer arsenal’ in battle for talent

January 6, 2024
by Robert Fenech

The net expense for employers can be as little as 40% of their contributions

Interest rate on late business payments further increased to 12.5%

January 4, 2024
by Robert Fenech

The rate is tied to the European Central Bank's reference rate

Consistently strong performance from PG plc

December 28, 2023
by BN Writer

The debt-free balance sheet and consistently growing level of profits enables the group to expand beyond its current three operating ...

Malta Fiscal Advisory Council endorses Finance Ministry’s macroeconomic forecasts

December 19, 2023
by Robert Fenech

The Council suggests that GDP growth may be higher than estimated in 2023, but lower in 2024

NAO identifies ‘weaknesses’ in several public sector entities’ payroll systems among other key findings

December 18, 2023
by Fabrizio Tabone

The NAO’s report, presented on Monday, looked into the operations of several public sector entities

MFSA launches new framework for notified professional investor funds

December 18, 2023
by BN Writer

Such funds are solely available to professional and/or qualifying investors

Malta’s GDP expected to grow by 3.8 per cent in 2024, ‘a more moderate pace’, says Central Bank

December 15, 2023
by BN Writer

General Government deficit is set to decline throughout the projection horizon

Year-end rally for Malta Government Stocks

December 14, 2023
by BN Writer

The attention now shifts to central banks this week with their final policy decisions of the year

Central Bank of Malta holds its annual Forum for Financial Stability

December 7, 2023
by Anthea Cachia

The forum was chaired by Chief Officer of Financial Stability and Statistics Alan Cassar

Easing of bond market issuance as yields rise

December 7, 2023
by BN Writer

While the local bond market has registered strong growth since 2019, there is a clear opportunity to accelerate this growth

0% green loans fully used up as demand for electric cars sucks funds dry

December 6, 2023
by Robert Fenech

The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Malta Fund, used by banks to offer 0% green loans, has been fully utilised

Initial predictions for 2024

November 30, 2023
by BN Writer

While the outlook is unclear, indications show the threat of inflation is passing quicker than central banks suggest

Local 2% inflation target delayed due to Malta’s subsidy policy, low domestic bank interest rates

November 28, 2023
by Helena Grech

It would be a mistake to assume that ECB rate cuts are imminent, says Governor Edward Scicluna

An Expert Explains: Tax rebates on personal pension plans

November 24, 2023
by BN Writer

Pensions expert Claire Falzon explains