
The Central Bank of Malta (CBM) made a generous donation to the 26th edition of the annual charity telethon l-Istrina on Boxing Day, contributing an impressive €105,000.

This figure was notably over twice the €42,000 it donated last year.

The sum was presented on behalf of the Governor, management and staff by the bank’s chief officer of human resources, Paul Farrugia, together with Melvin Bugeja, social club committee member.

Discussing the donation on social media, the CBM explained that the donation initiative forms part of its wide-ranging Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme.

A total of €5,845,000 was collected during 2021’s version of the event, with donations pouring in during and after the conclusion of the 12-hour telethon.

The money will be passed on to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, which uses the money to help people requiring rare or expensive medical treatment get the care they need.

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