As the world settles into a new post-pandemic normal, it can be easy to forget that just over two years ago many of the things we now take for granted – widespread remote working and wearing a professional top coupled with a casual bottom when taking video calls, to name just two – were practically unthinkable.

What is becoming increasingly clear, however, is that such flexible arrangements are here to stay. Although COVID-19 restrictions are on their way out thanks to a unprecedented international public health response, the world in 2022 is not the same as that of 2019.

Thankfully, the technological developments spurred by the lockdowns have also matured, with businesses today benefitting from the digital solutions that first emerged in an ad hoc manner but which are today fully fledged products designed to provide contemporary solutions to contemporary problems.

Few company functions were as impacted by the pandemic as customer care, with innumerable stories of support agents divulging their personal contact details to ensure service continues without interruption. The old system of physical telephony could not be easily transplanted from the office and into people’s homes, cafes, or co-working spaces.

Once it was acknowledged that systems that used to be considered tried-and-tested could not make the jump to the new working methods adopted during the pandemic, new systems had to be developed.

Enter GO CloudTalk, the telecomms giant’s flagship unified communications solution, which is hosted on the cloud and accessible anywhere. Businesses can have one number answerable by the next available team member, just like physical customer care setups, eliminating the need for them to share their personal numbers and therefore protecting their privacy.

Significantly, however, this functionality is not tied to the increasingly cumbersome limitation that the team must be present at the same location.

GO CloudTalk’s digital infrastructure allows the system to grow alongside the client’s business on a “per seat basis”, while setup and maintenance costs are minimal, thanks to the lack of a physical PABX.

Through the solution’s web and mobile application, team members can respond to customer queries at the office, at home, or on the go.

“We are very excited to be offering this solution to our clients,” says GO Business chief Arthur Azzopardi, “because it offers businesses – whatever their size – an effective communication setup.”

The platform does more than take calls, however. Team members can communicate among themselves, take video calls, and share files, allowing collaboration from everywhere.

“It really is a unified communications solution,” concludes Mr Azzopardi. “We want to empower our clients’ customers to reach them wherever they may be.”

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