Outstanding businesses now have the opportunity to gain national recognition for their work, with the Malta Business Awards serving as “the best place to showcase a business or initiative” which, Malta Chamber for SMEs Abigail Agius Mamo hopes, will lead to “greater appreciation of the good quality enterprises we have operation in Malta”.

The Malta Business Awards, announced last week, are co-organised by the SME Chamber and Malta Enterprise, and will take place on 28th October. Nominations are open until 25th September, and finalists will be announced on 10th October.

Awards are split into four categories: social impact, green initiatives, best in business and innovation, and digitalisation, with 23 individual awards up for grabs. These include one for the best waste management strategy, best marketing campaign, SME of the year, and a customer service excellence (see below for a full list).

Speaking to BusinessNow.mt, Ms Agius Mamo describes the awards as “an unparalleled platform for visibility”, and promises that they will be “of the highest professional standard”.

“The visibility is important so that there is greater appreciation of the good quality enterprises we have operating in Malta, and also to provide an example to other businesses to take up similar initiatives,” she says.

Speaking at the launch, Malta Chamber of SMEs president Paul Abela stated that it is an honour that the organisation is hosting these “prestigious awards”, and encouraged businesses to participate

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli stated that “This moment should serve as inspiration for enterprises to be more sustainable, digital, catering for their client’s needs, offering good quality products whilst also ensuring competitiveness. The Business Awards serve as a means to learn from each other’s success stories, as well as for enterprises themselves to define the next steps to improve their processes.”

Kurt Farrugia, CEO of Malta Enterprise, struck a similar note, expressing his hope that the winners of the awards would serve as role models for other enterprises, inspiring them to improve their processes.

Businesses can submit their application themselves or they can be nominated by third parties. More information is available on the dedicated website.

Full list of Malta Business Awards
Celebrating Business

  • Gozo Business of the Year
  • SME of the Year
  • Start-up Business of the Year
  • Young Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Female Entrepreneur of the Year
  • Family Business of the Year
  • Best Financial Institution

Business Innovation

  • Innovative Business Award
  • Reinvention Award
  • B2B Digital Solution of the Year
  • Leader in Quality Tourism
  • Best Campaign (Marketing)

Green Ambassadors

  • Innovative Climate Solution
  • Best Waste Management Strategy
  • Green Transport Initiative
  • Leader in Sustainable Initiatives
  • Carbon Neutral Commitment Award

Distinct Initiatives

  • Leader in Inclusivity Award
  • Best Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative
  • Exceptional Wellbeing at the Workplace
  • Customer Service Excellence Award
  • Local Cultural Contributor

Featured Image:

Walter Barbara / Department of Information

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